Category: Politics

How Denmark became the most cyber-secure country

Denmark is #1 among the world’s most cybersecure countries, according to Comparitech. Does it have to do with the country mobilising its security after a breach that Copenhagen linked to ‘the central elements in the Russian gov’? Source

An industry is rising up

The IT sector is important for Belarus. But more and more professionals are emigrating – also because the regime is harassing the young creatives. Source

Nawalny’s lawyer: “He is completely at their mercy”

Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny continues to be held in the detention centre in Moscow. His lawyer Olga Mikhailova explains why his life is in danger there. Source

Svetlana Tikhanovskaya: “A woman can become President of Belarus”

In an exclusive DW interview, opposition member Svetlana Tikhanovskaya talks about the resilience of Belarusians and the prospects for a female presidency. Source

How the Druzhba disaster is perceived at the end of the pipeline

The temporary crude oil supply stop through the Druzhba pipeline to Schwedt in eastern Germany was a disaster for the Russian oil industry. A report from Schwedt an der Oder, the end point of the Druzhba pipeline. Source

Solidarity demonstration for Ivan Golunov: splitting of the opposition

In Moscow and Berlin, people are showing solidarity with the journalist Golunov. But the supporters are divided. Source

Mystery surrounding the murder of three Russian journalists

Three journalists from Russia die in the Central African Republic. The case is non-transparent and raises many questions. The case is opaque and raises many questions. Source

“Lukashenko’s revenge” on the IT industry

Alexandra Dikan on the transformation of Belarus’ strategic sector into a political factor. Source

Vladimir Putins’ Ides of July

With a referendum on the biggest constitutional reform in the history of modern Russia, the dominant Putinism marks an important bifurcation point. Source

The World of Young Russian Germans

A total of 250,000 Russian immigrants live in Bavaria. The young generation makes a career, dreams of a Mercedes – and worships Putin. How it all fits together. Source