Category: Human Touch

In the German flood zone: ‘It’s like reliving the war’

After the flood disaster in Germany, the region is struggling to come to terms with what has happened. Refugees and migrants who once came to the Ahr Valley to build a new life are now facing difficult decisions again. Source

Kiruna on wheels

What happens when a city suddenly lands on wheels? And what if it is located in the Arctic? On the road in a “company town” between the Fjäll and the mine. Source

Thousands of inhabitants and one historic centre: How a European city relocates

The polar city of Kiruna in Sweden is being moved 4 kilometres – including many buildings. It is one of the largest relocation projects in the world. The reason is an iron ore mine. How do you relocate thousands of inhabitants? Source

Managing wolves in Germany: A toothy job for tough ladies

The wolf commissioner for the German state of Brandenburg and the director of a wolf sanctuary in Saarland, each in her own way, work to reconcile Homo sapiens and Canis lupus. Source

How a trip to the desert made Holger Wolff a better boss

At some point, the silence is bigger than the world. Bigger than the Californian desert that lies around him. At some point Holger Wolff has the feeling: His urge to communicate can no longer find an outlet, he would burst. The silence would grind him down. Holger Wolff spent fourteen days in absolute silence at…
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Espelkamp: German town shows that flight has many faces

Espelkamp in northwest Germany has experienced several waves of refugees and migrants throughout its history. It’s home to recently arrived refugees and guest workers, as well as German repatriates. InfoMigrants takes a look at how they have changed the town and how Espelkamp in turn has influenced them. Source

Eco-curious? Eco-sensual? Or maybe even ecosexual?

Advocates of a new credo at the crossroads of ecology and sexology see our planet as their lover. Can this offbeat movement successfully reinvigorate environmental topics with an infusion of eroticism? Source

What the relaxed professional ban means for women in Russia

In the 1970s, so few children were born in the Soviet Union that the state banned women from working. From then on, they were prohibited from 456 professions that were considered dangerous “for reproductive health.” In other words, women were not supposed to do physical work, but to give birth and bring up children. The…
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Eco-dissident: High time to recognize environmental flight as grounds for asylum

Peter Donatus is a long-time Shell critic and environmental activist from Nigeria. Protests, an incommunicado detention and flight – he has been through it all. Now he is fighting from Germany for the recognition of “climate refugees.” Source

How mountains help refugees

“When the weather is good, they say in Germany: When angels travel…” Christian Greßner smiles. In the early hours of the morning, the clouds over the Ammergau Alps look like a pile of crumpled newspaper pages. Not heavenly at all. Christian Greßner, the tour leader for the Alpen.Leben.Menschen (A.L.M.) project and – in his own…
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